Philips Academy Andover是美國的一所顶尖的投止中學。黉舍的培育理念和特色见如下几點:
1. Statement purpose: "The school’s residential structure enables faculty to support students in their personal, social and intellectual development."
2.Andover’s goal is to bring to campus talented students "from every quarter" who can enjoy the advantages of its size while at the same time美白產品, feel adequately supported and part of the co妹妹unity.
3. Andover students can choose from more than 50 sport, dance, and exercise options at every level of instruction. In addition, each year Andover fields 65 interscholastic teams competing in 21 different sports.
4. The arts in all their forms are at the heart of Andover life. The arts offerings at Phillips Academy provide students with the chance to explore their passions and develop their skills.